This has been a bad month. 11,500 words. Way below my target.
My main excuse is my lap top, which keeps freezing up, making it impossible to write on the thing. I've wasted far too much time cleaning it up, scanning for spyware and viruses and deleting all the rubbish I never use. Still no good. The only solution is to write late at night on the family computer. But the main reason for my lack of output is redrafting Shingle. That stands at around 33,000 words at the moment and I have a handful of scenes to put in. I've got another few weeks to play before sending it on to Sarah.
So that's it. Nothing much more to add other than my plans to burn the midnight oil through March and see if I can hit a word count I'm proud of.
My main excuse is my lap top, which keeps freezing up, making it impossible to write on the thing. I've wasted far too much time cleaning it up, scanning for spyware and viruses and deleting all the rubbish I never use. Still no good. The only solution is to write late at night on the family computer. But the main reason for my lack of output is redrafting Shingle. That stands at around 33,000 words at the moment and I have a handful of scenes to put in. I've got another few weeks to play before sending it on to Sarah.
So that's it. Nothing much more to add other than my plans to burn the midnight oil through March and see if I can hit a word count I'm proud of.
Hello! I've just seen your blog through WriteWords and it made me smile.
'Subscribing' is a bit beyond my technical know-how: would you be able to add the 'Followers' application?
Give me a shout if you do- we can compare word counts.
And you're way ahead of me this month!
No idea what Followers is - have added it anyway. I'm not doing too wonderful this month, either. I'm at about 1800 words. That's because I'm editing. I started the year trying to keep to a routine of writing 500 words of new work each day. I've fallen off the cart a few times. Trying to get back on this month.
Come on Colin, you're on holiday now - can we get some updates.
My stats are a bit poor for this year. In May, I didn't write a single word, but now that it's holiday season things might pick up. I'll do a new post!
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