
Friday, 31 October 2008


Whooohoooo. Halloween is here again. Time to cut up a pumpkin, dress up and scare the hell out of the neighbours. Off to a party tonight - going as a Goth, so a bit of a nostalgia trip going on there, but the main reason is I'm too tight to buy a decent costume. Here's a pick of Cameron holding this year's pumpkin.

And here's a pic of me Jack and Cameron off to the party. Sad thing is... fifteen years ago, I looked like that for real.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

The Waiting Game

Probably the worst, most frustrating, yet most exciting time for an author is the submission stage. The Devil's Prayer is finally polished and ready to go. All I can do is sit back, bite my nails and try to find something else to occupy my time. Two things come to mind: TV and XBOX 360. What I really need is space - time to think - some activity that lets my mind go blank to allow new ideas to spark up and play. There's a great big country park nearby. I think I'll go for a walk.

But not right now. I've just bought Rainbow Six Vegas for my console and Most Haunted is on from 8 till midnight. Besides... it's dark.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Gearing Up

I've spent the summer going over a final rewrite of The Devil's Prayer. It should be going out to mainstream publishers soon, so to coincide with that, I've revamped my website.

If you've come here directly, go to